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Awad et al 2021
Awad, R., Johann Bolinius, D., Strandberg, J., Yang, J. J., Sandberg, J., Adeoye Bello, M., and Gobelius, L.
PFAS in waste residuals from Swedish incineration plants: A systematic investigation
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Publication Year
Reference Category
Primary Sources
Reference Type
Non-Peer Reviewed, Non-Government Reports (Includes Books and Book Chapters)
Source Details
Non-Targeted Analysis Flag
Results (summary statistics only) from sampling fly ash, bottom ash, and condensate water from 27 household and industrial waste incineration plants. Concludes that "...high incineration temperatures or a high proportion of a particular type of waste did not guarantee low concentrations of PFAS."


Open ScopeMatrix DetailScope Detail
Open ScopeIncinerationFullOtherHousehold and industrial wasteSummary statistics for total PFAS, plus a few other target compounds, in fly ash, bottom ash, and condensate water. Additional data for groups of compounds (e.g., PFCAs and PFSAs) are available in Table 1 and Section 3, but not recorded here.


Thermal Treatment Results

FtS 6:2Incineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg Concentrations in eight pooled fly ash samples from 0.57 to 19.67 µg/kg
FtS 6:2Incineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg Concentrations of 0.94 to 1.28 ug/kg in 4 bottom ash samples.
FtS 8:2Incineration | Full | Other 850 °C 0.21 µg/kgDetected in one pooled fly ash sample.
PFHxAIncineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg Concentrations in four pooled bottom ash samples between 0.22 to 0.39 ug/kg.
PFOSIncineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg Concentration of 3.44 to 3.74 µg/kg in 2 fly ash samples
Total PFASIncineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg 27 PFAS chemicals in pooled fly ash samples from 15 furnaces; Concentrations from 0.18 to 37.71 ug/kg
Total PFASIncineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg 27 PFAS chemicals in pooled bottom ash samples from 9 furnaces; Concentrations from 0.22 to 12.76 ug/kg
Total PFASIncineration | Full | Other 850 °C µg/kg 27 PFAS chemicals in pooled condensate water samples from 13 furnaces; Concentrations from 0.28 to 182.95 ug/kg