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Scope Details

Zhang, W., Cao, H., Subramanya, S.M., Savage, P., and Liang, Y. (2020) Destruction of Perfluoroalkyl Acids Accumulated in Typha latifolia through Hydrothermal Liquefaction - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Treatment Process
Hydrothermal Treatment
Test Scale
Matrix Detail
Water spiked with PFAS
Data Detail
Initial concentration and percent removal of 8 PFAS with and without KOH, percent defluorination of PFOA and PFAS


Open ConditionTreatment Details
Open Condition 3002Hour
Open Condition 3506Hour
Open Condition 35090Minute
Open Condition 3002HourPFAS treated with 1 M KOH

Thermal Treatment Results

PFBA300 °C | 2 hour=100% Percent DegradationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFPeA300 °C | 2 hour=100% Percent DegradationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFHxA300 °C | 2 hour=100% Percent DegradationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFHpA300 °C | 2 hour=100% Percent DegradationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFOA300 °C | 2 hour100% Percent DegradationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFOA300 °C | 2 hour=100% Percent DefluorinationPFAAs during HTL of pure aqueous solution
PFOS350 °C | 90 minute≈0% Destruction and Removal Efficiency50 mg/L=negligible amount of PFOS at 50 mg/L was destroyed at 350 °C after 90 min
PFOS350 °C | 6 hour0% Destruction and Removal Efficiency186 mg/LPFOS at 186 mg/L showed little reactivity at 350°C after 6h
PFOS300 °C | 2 hour =85.9% Percent Removed