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Scope Details

Feng, Y., Zhou, Y., Lee, P., Shih, K. (2016) Mineralization of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorodecanoate (PFDA) from aqueous solution by porous hexagonal boron nitride: adsorption followed by simultaneous thermal decomposition and regeneration - RSC Advances
Treatment Process
Test Scale
Treatment Media
Matrix Detail
Spent boron nitride adsorbent
Data Detail
Surface concentration of PFDA and PFOS (mg/m2) on spent adsorbent (Fig 6 a & b); concentration after calcining of 7 PFAS (not detected, detection limit not specified, per text section 3.4)


Open ConditionTreatment Details
Open Condition 20020MinuteTreatment time represents amount of time spent at final temperature of 600 degrees Celsius; assumed time at treatment temperature is less
Open Condition 60020MinuteTreatment time represents amount of time spent at final temperature of 600 degrees Celsius

Thermal Treatment Results

PFOS200 °C | 20 minute ≈99% Percent RemainingPFHxS, PFBuS, PFNA, PFOA, and PFHpA not detected; data interpolated from Figure 6
PFDA200 °C | 20 minute ≈2% Percent RemainingPFHxS, PFBuS, PFNA, PFOA, and PFHpA not detected; data interpolated from Figure 6
PFOS600 °C | 20 minute ≈18% Percent RemainingNoted that degradation of PFOS began at ~480 degrees Celsius; PFHxS, PFBuS, PFNA, PFOA, and PFHpA not detected; data interpolated from Figure 6
PFDA600 °C | 20 minute ≈3% Percent RemainingPFHxS, PFBuS, PFNA, PFOA, and PFHpA not detected; data interpolated from Figure 6